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Monday, March 25, 2013


I hate moving. Boxing things up. Living in chaos while deciding what stays and what goes. We have lived here for 9 years now. You can collect a lot of "stuff" in 9 years. Wouldn't it be great to move without a timetable? Just pack up and purge one room at a time. Be able to completely organize and decorate the new house with that one room before moving on to the next room?
Well that is exactly what I am doing. I'm moving back into my house. This house. We will take one room. Pack up. Gut it paint it prep it and then move back in.
One room at a time.
I love my house. I just want to be in love with it again.'s a good time to teach my 7 year old how to purge...not just her wardrobe annually when she gets a whole new wardrobe--(wouldn't that be nice as an adult? Although I would hope my size is going down and not up at this point...) back on point...when I was a kid I lived in 1 house for 3.5 years less in the rest. Always had to purge. Had to decide what was really important to me as I usually got one box for clothes and one for toys.
I won't be taking her down that far. But I do want her realizing what is junk and what is nice and what is important. Today she wanted to keep a pony the dog had chewed the leg on. Rule: if it's broken it goes. She begged, it's so special to her. Deal: 5 toys that are NOT broken for the one pony. She took her time but she did it.
I got rid of a maraca egg given to us by the band that played at our anniversary. She wanted it. Deal: 5 toys. Guess what? The egg...not worth 5 toys. Great life lessons.
We are purging now as we pack up the toy room. She is picking a select few that are very important to her to keep out during the "move" and the rest we are boxing up and labeling. Once the room is put back together, we will do a second purge. It has to have a home.
It's going to be fun for me to redecorate and get out from under the clutter. And fun for her to know where her stuff is. As well as me getting to decorate! Which I always love.
Pictures will come :)
For the first time ever I'm actually happy to be moving...and so glad it's just right back home.

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