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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Jilly's Room Check.

Another room Yay! Each time we accomplish one of these big todo's off the list it is just relieving, and mind boggling at how there always seems to be a million more projects to do in the house. Especially now--we've been here 8.5 years. Paint colors are ready to be changed. Chips in walls need to be fixed...the blasted NEW range is having just never stops. So what makes it home? that we don't wait for it to be perfect to LIVE in it. and lived in my home definitely is!
I'll share a few photos of the latest project now before I'm off to see what needs to be done next.

Korey worked hard with the help of my brother Jay (not picture)
Since by time I got home he had left.
I don't have the whole gruesome tear apart pictures but here are some from as it was being finished up. Terrance is Jilly's Puppy and man he was confused
Looks like he adapted pretty quick though!
The room looks awesome! And Jilly has a nice new room to sleep comfortably in. She's even been hanging out in there during the day the past few days, which never happened before. (and if you had seen the carpet you would completely understand why)

 One more room down at the Christensen House. Just need to get her chair rail put up between the peach and the stripes. Quick and easy project though. :) The best part for me is that this means we have started working on the bedrooms! I know mine isn't next (too much square footage) but I think this winter we will get to tile the bathrooms upstairs and maybe even get the art studio done! By the end of next year though the upstairs will be like we moved into a new house. YAY! without boxing it all up and going through that whole process. Which is great because the truth of it is, I love my home. I love this house, and I love making it home. I never had that before. Its really rewarding to see it coming together into not just a house but truly into our home. Our dream home.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!!! I am glad Jilly enjoys it more. And it is fun to see your vision unfold in your house.
