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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

No we aren't renters and our house isn't in forclosure...

I know. I have "that" yard. Its embarrassing. I realized this summer that even though I LOVE gardening, and I love working in my yard, I DO NOT love the heat, so even though the year started out right--well...I now have weed patches where my flowers are. The flowers are still there for the most part--just truly overshadowed by all the weeds. Its sad. This month I am spending an hour out in my yard every day. My goal is that by my anniversary on the 24th of this month (so 20 days from now) I won't have "that" yard anymore. It won't be perfect but it will be pretty and on its way. I will after that spend time prepping the yard for the winter. Next spring it will be easy again to get going, and then next summer I am hiring someone to come and maintain it throughout the summer. I've learned this year that the heat is too much for me. And that is ok. Its good to know and understand that. So for June, July, and August I will have someone coming to help maintain my yard so that my minimal time I can spend out there is enough.
Having made this decision I am not so overwhelmed thinking, its just going to get like this again next year--why bother? pave the whole thing over. haha...--Instead I am thinking ok. I can get this back--and then it won't get like this again. And that feels good.
I'm sure my neighbors will be thrilled next summer when they don't see my yard turn into a weed patch. And maybe we will stop getting realtor letters in the mail saying we can help you sell your home right now as is...because when they drive through the neighborhoods--it won't be my house that sticks out like a sore thumb.
Instead it will stick out for all the right reasons.